I have an urgent question: It seems as though Pavlovia is facing difficulties with online experiments because whenever I try to enter the page it says “fetching the designer information” and then runs into an error message. This happens for my experiments as well as two of my colleague’s experiments. Can anyone help with the issue and let me know if this is a server problem or my personal problem?
I am also having problems trying to create a new experiment and pushing this to Pavlovia. I keep getting a 404 Not Found screen. We are not going crazy!
I’m experiencing the same issue. Starting this morning, participants have been reporting that they are receiving an error message when trying to complete online experiments. The experiments were all running totally fine yesterday, so this issue is new. Can someone at PsychoPy/Pavlovia please address the server problems and provide a time estimate for when the server will be back up and running?
I collected data during yesterday’s server problem. Now the data of 10 participants is missing. Is there a chance that this data is still stored somewhere?
Hi Alain,
thank you very much - this would be great!
unfortunately, I do not of the ID of the participants. I only see on prolific (which we used to get our participants) that 300 participants took part - but I only have dataset for 286 participants. (This happend also before, but never for so many participants).
The path to my experiment is: Pavlovia
With my apologies for the delay in getting back to you, I had a look at our logs.
May I ask whether you are quite sure that those participants completed the experiment (i.e. they cannot proceed onto Prolific if they abruptly close their browser tab)? I am asking because on that particular day, 2023-11-13, at least 23 of your participants did not complete the experiment but exited abruptly by closing their tab indeed, as far as the server logs can tell. Under those circumstances the data are sometimes saved but it is not always the case, i.e. the browser does not always try and send the data to the pavlovia server, even though we told it to do so. For those 23 participants, data was saved but you might have other participants for which it was not the case.