Problem Retrieving Experiment on Pavlovia

jsPsych version (e.g. 7.3.1):
I have successfully synced Psychopy and Pavlovia and also uploaded my experiment which appears on Git.hub. However, I can’t access my experiment on Pavlovia. Every time I log in, three Error messages appear. I think my account has been blocked by the server, can someone please help me :")

Hi @XS_Tay,

What are the three error messages?



Hi Kim,
These are the error messages that show every time I go to my dashboard.

I know this sounds like the classic response but have you tried signing out and then back in?



Hi Kim,

I’ve just tried logging out and logging back in and nothing has changed.
Is there anything the administrators can do for me?


Dear @XS_Tay ,

The issue is that your username consists exclusively of digits, i.e. it is a number, and, regrettably, GitLab cannot handle usernames mades only of digits even though it allows people to create them (it then confuses the username with the user id, which is a number). I have been looking into the matter but that is rather tricky.
Would it be possible for you to change your username, perhaps add a letter at the start or at the end? That should solve the problem.
Best wishes,
