Unable to log into builder (2022.1.1)


I am experiencing issues logging into my Pavlovia account via the Psychopy Builder.

OS: Windows 10
Coder or Builder?: Builder
PsychoPy or PsychoJS?: N/A
PsychoPy version: 2022.1.1

What are you trying to achieve?
I would like to log into my Pavlovia account in Psychopy Builder to sync projects.

What isn’t working?

  • The log-in pop-up appears and I enter my information - within the pop-up the log in is successful as it opens my Pavlovia account. However, Psychopy throws the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\app\pavlovia_ui_base.py”, line 128, in checkForLoginURL
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\projects\pavlovia.py”, line 109, in login
if currentSession.user is not None:
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\projects\pavlovia.py”, line 415, in user
self._user = User(self.gitlab.user.username)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\projects\pavlovia.py”, line 152, in init
self.id = int(self.info[‘gitlabId’])
KeyError: ‘gitlabId’

It does not register that I have logged in (does not show my account name in the menu), and I am unable to sync projects.

What did you already try?

  • I tested a different Pavlovia account on the same computer and the log in works normally.
  • I tried to use my email for log in, my current username, and my previous username.
    • with my current username and email, I log-in to the pop-up but I receive the error noted above
    • with my previous username, I am unable to log-in to the pop-up, it says “invalid login”

It might also be useful to note that my gitlab profile at https://gitlab.pavlovia.org correctly displays my current username, but my pavlovia dashboard at https://pavlovia.org/ displays my current username in some places and the old username in other places.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

If you’ve changed your username then I’d bet that’s what is confusing PsychoPy - when you login, PsychoPy sends a request to the Pavlovia server saying “give me the details for the user called…”, and the server replies. It looks like whatever the server is responding with, it’s not a set of user info, which is what causes the error. What is your new username, and what did you change it from? I can try sending the request manually to see how the server responds.

You may also find this useful:

as you can then get a more helpful error message in the app

Thank you for the suggestion. Interestingly, when I added this code I was able to successfully log in. Sorry I couldn’t get the debugging information to help pinpoint the problem!

One difference of note is that my Pavlovia profile was previously using my old username as the Gitlab link but now the link is correct. I was in communication with @jon so maybe something has changed behind the scenes which updated Pavlovia and allowed log in via Psychopy to succeed.