URL of experiment: https://pavlovia.org/run/dasilvaa/word_scd/html/
Description of the problem: The data folder is not generated when running online experiments. The actual running of the experiment online is working great! From my Pavlovia dashboard, it also appears that there is recognition that experiments are being run e.,g I’ve launched the experiment 5 or so times today and there is a record of that. However, on my end, I can’t see or access the data folder. No data folder is generated on gitlab, and I’m unable to download the results from the Pavlovia dashboard (as there is no record of them). If I run the experiment locally, a data folder is generated, the data saves, and I’m able to push that to gitlab and subsequently download the data from the Pavlovia dashboard. The issue I’m having is in regards to saving data from online studies. Thanks!