Data not being saved on gitlab BUT can be downloaded from pavlovia page

URL of experiment: nonsymbolic_numberline_onlinetask_031424 [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem: New data is not being reflected on the gilab page for one of my experiments. I thought that data was not being saved at all; however, if I download directly from the pavlovia website (using the download results bottom) I do see it.

Any suggestions on how to fix this.

Thank you,


Are you saving the data in “database” format? That only downloads.

I don’t think so. How can I check? It was saving the files correctly on the gitlab until yesterday. The only change that I did to the task was to remove some files from the local data directory.

The saving method is on this page

It should say CSV or Database

If you remove local data files and resync they will be deleted from Gitlab