Videos don't open in the browser version

Description of the problem: Videos are uploaded along with the other resources, but they don’t open. In chrome I don’t get an error but in firefox I see
" when attempting to play MovieStim: teaching_video
AbortError: The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the
user agent at the user’s request.

Based on other posts, I set the opacity of the video to 1 and tried all of the backend options, with no luck.

Proj2_legacy.psyexp (240.5 KB)

What does $_corr == 0 mean?

You’ve uploaded your legacy psyexp which shows teaching_video should play $video1. Please show a screenshot of your spreadsheet?

How big is the video?

$_corr == 0 is the condition I’m using for when a wrong item is clicked, it works for the text stimuli that’s supposed to display with the video (386 KB).

Still having the same issue

It runs fine locally andin Chrome but fails in Firefox? That sounds like a compatibility issue with the video type. Are you using H264 encoding?

The videos don’t open in any browser I’ve used but at least in firefox it gives an error message. Other browsers (Chrome and Edge) don’t give an error message, they run the experiment without the videos at all. I created a separate experiment and tested each video I want to use and each of them work online, so the issue may be in the spreadsheet?

How big are the videos?

Try starting them at 1 second rather than 0 seconds in the routine.

Best wishes,


Thank you, I tried starting them at 1 second, 0, and the $_corr==0 condition but I’m still having the same issue. The videos vary between 72-564KB.

Try making a dummy experiment that just plays one of the videos. Have you checked the encoding? You could also upload one here if you’re not sure.

I tried making a dummy experiment and they all worked.

Here’s the largest video:

The videos are working online in your dummy experiment? Maybe you could try building it up until it either replaces your original experiment or you find out which step breaks it.

According to ChatGPT, there are a couple of possibilities for the error:

Media Loading Aborted by the User

  • If a media resource (like an audio or video file) is being fetched and the user navigates away, the browser may abort the loading process, resulting in this error.
    Network Issues or Browser Policies
  • Some browsers may abort fetch requests due to security policies, network disconnections, or other resource constraints.

I wouldn’t expect there to be an issue with this video – it is H264 encoded and not too big. I wonder if there are specific files that fail. You could try using a print statement to check the value for video1 at the point of failure.