WIN 10 PsychoPy version (v2022.2.4): Standard Standalone? (y) : What are you trying to achieve?:
Hey guys, i tried to use the open IAT found on OSF OSF | OpenIAT in my Version.
When i ran it, i saw, that it was made for Version 1.80.04
What did you try to make it work?:
I tried changing the Settings of the Experiment to use the older Version.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
The 1.80.04 Version is not on the list anymore.
Can someone provide me with the older Standalone Version? I was unable to find it on the website and i don’t no Python at all to install the Version with Pyton.
Or: If you could provide me with an IAT for the newer Version, it would be gladly appreciated. Or maybe you can provide me with a good search term to find an online tutorial on how to create an IAT.
Thank you very much and a happy new year to you all.
this would be awesome.
And I will look on Pavlovia. You can use the Experiments on Pavlovia offline, can you?
Sorry it has been a while i had to work with experiments.
Error Code from the Version i tried to use.
Alert 4052:Experiment was built in a past version of PsychoPy (1.80.04), saving it in this version may add parameters which cannot be parsed.
For further info see
Alert 4205:Python Syntax Error in ‘Begin Experiment’ tab. See ’ print “UNRECOGNISED ORDER CODE - please use 1 or 2 only”
’ on line number 24 of the ‘Begin Experiment’ tab.
For further info see
Alert 4052:Experiment was built in a past version of PsychoPy (1.80.04), saving it in this version may add parameters which cannot be parsed.
For further info see
Alert 4205:Python Syntax Error in ‘Begin Experiment’ tab. See ’ print “UNRECOGNISED ORDER CODE - please use 1 or 2 only”
’ on line number 24 of the ‘Begin Experiment’ tab.
For further info see