An error occurs whenever trying to log into Pavlovia on the Psychopy software

I’m using Psychopy 3 to construct an IAT for my online study. However, whenever I am trying to log in to my Pavlovia account on the Psychopy software (in order to upload the test onto Pavlovia), it shows me the following:

This project is intended for my senior thesis. But I am so stressed about it right now since my deadline to complete the test is approaching very soon.

Hope someone can help me solve this problem. Thanks!

Hi There, please can I confirm if you are still having this issue logging in.

Some things to try:


Hello @Zhamal,

It appears that you managed to upload your experiment and have been running sessions.
Can you confirm that all is well?
Best wishes,


Hi Alain!

Yes, I’ve tried logging in from another computer, and it worked. I couldn’t log in from my mac, but it worked from the windows.

However, now I’ve encountered another problem. I’ve downloaded the open IAT demo and made some changes to it, according to my project. The changes work whenever I run the test locally, from my pc. But via the web they do not, instead the demo version is shown. What can I do about it?

Thank you for the reply!

Hi Becca,

Yes, I’ve tried both of these options, but the problem still occurs. However, I did manage to log in from another pc. I don’t know if there is something wrong with my mac or something…

Thank you!

Pleased you managed to get in! That sounds like a curious error. Perhaps try clearing your browsing caches?

Thanks! I did clear the cache for the pavlovia website, but the error still shows up.

Thank you for your time and involvement! I appreciate it so much!

Hello @Zhamal,

could you give me the path of your experiment so I can look into it?
