Hi there,
I am very novice in coding but I was trying to find an example of how to actually used the MovieStim(). I want to use it in a simple application to rate short soundless videos (full scripts/application from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57834968/vid_rating_app.zip ), but I could not figure out how it works (I have seen some people use MovieStim2 or 3 -do these actually exists? I couldn’t find them in the documentation).
I would really appreciate it if somebody provided me with an example. I’m including below the key components of what I’ve tried so far:
from psychopy.visual import ImageStim, MovieStim, FINISHED
self.videos = MovieStim(pygaze.expdisplay, pos = (0, 100))
video_list = os.listdir(“vids”)
for video_name in video_list:
----while True:
--------if self.videos.status != FINISHED:
Many thanks in advance