URGENT: Slider appearance and behavior not functioning appropriately

URL of experiment: https://run.pavlovia.org/emmalaurent/test

Description of the problem:
I have a scrollbar response set up for participants with 6 options. The scrollbar behavior is also coded such that the end time is modular and dependent upon the last time the participant inputs a key press (see below for code).

Issue 1: The slider itself is not translating into js (I assume this is a PsychoPy-specific component). I’ve attached an image below of how it looks online vs. a video of how it should look (i.e., how it runs on my local desktop). UPDATE: I changed the scrollbar to “rating” and that seemed to work perfectly.

Issue 2: The slider does not appear to progress to the next trial after a keypress (thought it does register something as the opacity of the “OLD” and “NEW” labels updates with keypress). See video below for an example of how it should progress. Everything now works correctly (with the new rating component) except that the trial does not progress. See code below.

*Begin Routine:

win.mouseVisible = False
old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.5
new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.5
endTime = 59

*Each Frame:

if t <= 1:
if t > 1:
    keys = event.getKeys(['a', 's', 'd', 'j', 'k', 'l'])
    if keys:
        endTime = t
        if 'a' in keys:
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.markerPos = -3
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.rating = -3
            old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 1.0
            new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.25
        elif 's' in keys:
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.markerPos = -2
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.rating = -2
            old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 1.0
            new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.25
        elif 'd' in keys:
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.markerPos = -1
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.rating = -1
            old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 1.0
            new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.25
        elif 'j' in keys:
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.markerPos = 1
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.rating = 1
            new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 1.0
            old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.25
        elif 'k' in keys:
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.markerPos = 2
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.rating = 2
            new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 1.0
            old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.25
        elif 'l' in keys:
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.markerPos = 3
            slider_recog_practiceRtrvl.rating = 3
            new_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 1.0
            old_recog_practiceRtrvl.opacity = 0.25

if t > endTime + 1.5:
    continueRoutine = False

Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Trying to get this project up and running ASAP but, as always, javascript has other plans for me it seems… :slight_smile: