Urgent: Running Mode Data Misalignment Issue on Pavlovia

I am experiencing a critical issue with my experiment on Pavlovia.

While everything works perfectly in Piloting mode, I encountered a data misalignment problem when switching to Running mode. Specifically, the key_resp_press_tr.keys data is being recorded under the key_resp_press.keys field, which has rendered all my collected data unusable. Why would there be such asymmetry?

Additionally, the format of the data recorded in Running mode appears unusual, with extra log files and a database being generated.

Looking forward to your guidance, as a significant number of credits have already been used.

Are you or have you ever used Database mode for this experiment?

In database mode the data should be aligned.

Is your issue a misalignment in CSV files due to the columns appearing in different orders?

Thanks for your reply! However, BOTH CSV files and database file are misaligned. My critical results have been replaced by training results and no where to be find.

Please check your training and experimental loops. Do they both have is trials ticked?

If your experimental loop doesn’t have is trials ticked then I am afraid that your experimental data will have been overwriting itself – not the training data. You will probably find one row of experimental data in the correct columns.

Personally I almost always use the same routine for practice and main trials and separate either by loop name or thisN.

Sadly there’s no loop in my experiment.

How are you storing your data? Is it all on one line with two keyboard components set to save all responses?

I used a single key to record all the responses.

Please could you show the data tab?

I can’t think of a reason why you’d get different behaviour running Vs piloting unless the code changed.

I notice your allowed keys are set to “set every repeat”. That should be constant and might cause the keyboard component to fail online. Is it constant in key_resp_press_tr?

They are identical.

Furthermore, is it possible that the ‘set at every repeat’ functionality works in piloting mode but fails in running mode?

Please show the data tab.

Are you piloting locally on online? Online there shouldn’t be a difference.

I piloted the experiment online, and the data is complete. However, my colleagues are also confused, as the behavior is the same correct one when I select ‘Running mode’ and
click ‘Pilot’.

Please could you show the data tab of your critical keyboard component?


Hmm. Nothing strange there. Please could you PM me a data file and corresponding log file with the issue, plus a pilot data file?

An update: I changed all instances of ‘set at every repeat’ to ‘constant’ and uploaded the experiment. After confirming that it works fine in pilot mode, I switched to running mode again, but the issue persists.
If possible, could you kindly provide a personal email address or suggest any other means of contacting you directly? I would like to share the files with you.

Click on my profile and send me a message here.

The log file as well as zip file is not allowed in the message… :smiling_face_with_tear:

Please could you add me (Wake) as a developer on the project. Alternatively, my email is wakefield.morys-carter@brookes.ac.uk

Isn’t this your data?