URGENT: Launch error py2app

OS (e.g. Win10): Mac Sonoma 14.5
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2024.1.5
Standard Standalone? (y/n) If not then what?: y
What are you trying to achieve?:
I was just trying to open psychopy for my experiment to check some components on my builder when it suddenly gave this message (attached image) that said “Launch error”. It gave me two choices-terminate or website-but I couldn’t understand what I could do from the website, and terminating the app itself didn’t change the problem either. I would like to get help on resolving this error immediately and be able to open my psychopy file again.

What did you try to make it work?:
Based on previous discussions, I tried:
・coding this on Terminal: cat ~/.psychopy3/last_app_load.log
However, this did not resolve the error… I have attached what I got from doing this as well.
・Reinstalling psychopy
This did not erase the error message at all.

Any help or advice is appreciated! Thank you very much for your time and expertise!:slight_smile:
Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 21.37.40