After upgrading to version 2020.2.4, I have seen a drastic change in the appearance of sliders online, even though I have not changed them. I have been using Builder to create the sliders (i.e. I am not creating them with code, though I do access the responses with code later).
Here is a screenshot from the earlier online version with the first few questions answered to show marker size:
And here is what I am seeing now, with the first two questions answered:
(note that I have tried to change the height of the first slider to see if the marker size changed, as per this post, to no avail)
Finally, everything looks good locally for both the old and new versions (ignore the changed height of the first slider):
I have seen some threads manipulating marker size with code, but I’d rather not go there if possible, and anyway it seems to me that this should not happen by default and need to be fixed with code. Is there something that I’m not aware of?
Thank you again for bringing the matter to my attention.
What happened between versions is that I implemented the Slider style per se, which we needed for the recently added forms. While the vertical version worked like a charm, there were regrettably a couple of issues with the horizontal one, and in particular the fact that it considered the first two ticks to set the range, instead of the first and last ticks (that explains the full red bar, and the overlapping labels).
The issue is now fixed.
Incidentally, you might want to use granularity: 1 for your rating scale, in order to get integers instead of floating numbers.