Description of the problem:
the issue is around the textBox component: the box is visible, however it’s no longer possible to input any text. The experiment runs perfectly in the builder. I was unable to find any answers to this problem on the forum- I did come across issues around how input from the textBox is saved in the output sheet - however in my case the issue is around populating the box in the first place.
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to resolve this issue.
please could you share your project URL with us so that we can take a look?
If possible use > view code> settings> permisions> set to public > share the URL to gitlab with us.
Initially I suspected this was an issue with presenting the textbox multiple times (a known bug now logged as an issue - but it seems this is the first time you use the textbox component in your experiment is that correct?
Sorry I should have been clearer I meant the gitlab project URL (rather than the task URL).
To share you can use: view code> settings> permissions (set to public) then share the url of the project page (what you see when you click view code) with me.
Hi Marta, thanks for that - I can’t quite see your project (I am guessing it might not be public on permissions) if you add me to the project please can you add me with developer access so that I can view the files Thanks,
Apologies, I’ve no idea what’s going on. I have it set to public so should be visible and accessible. I’ve amended your status to ‘developer’. Apologies again!
Sorry but I am really not sure what is happening with this one - your settings all look correct to me. It is definitely a bug, and I know there are a few things the development team are working hard to fix at the moment with the textbox component.
For now, I have implemented a fix in your task so it should do what you want it to do.