URL of the experiment:
Description of the problem:
I posted an online experiment yesterday night. It worked well until this morning (I got 3-4 subjects online), but then it seems something happened. Now subjects cannot see the experiment online anymore, it says: “unable to connect to the database: localhost:27017: Errno 111, Connection Refused”
Has anybody had the same error as me recently?
That looks like a server problem that we’ll have fixed for you shortly. Sorry
I have a somewhat similar error. In my case, the experiments which were running fine since yesterday night refuse to open.
I tried both opening the online experiment from builder (case in which it gives me an error depicted in picture one) or, from the pavlovia account (error depicted in picture 2).
The error in picture 2 appears when trying to sign-in my account. Pavlovia dos not seem to fetch any experiments in the E
The error of failing to connect to database should now be fixed.
The 500 error is, in at least some circumstances, occurring due to large(ish) repos and we haven’t worked out yet how to solve that problem. So in your case Andrei you may or may not still see some issue there
Hi John,
Everything seems to be working fine right now.
Thank-you so much for the time invested in this.