I would like two people in the lab to be able to make edits to our experiment on their personal computers and sync it to the same project on Pavlovia. I feel like this may not be possible due to the two computers having different root folders. I know you can add people to the project with different permissions, but I’m not familiar with this situation specifically. Can two people maintain folders on different laptops but sync them to the same project on Pavlovia? Or can this be accomplished by adding users with certain permissions?
Two people can sync to folders on their own computers. However, when someone opens their local psyexp file they need to sync (I do this via info in this instance) and then reopen the psyexp file to ensure they are editing the latest version. Working on the file simultaneously will fail.
Could you share some more specific information (or a manual) about how to set up the experiment on a second computer? Is it enough to copy the files to the second computer and the program will find the online repository and sync the files from this computer, too?
Seach for the experiment using the “Find existing studies online” icon
Select a local folder and sync.
Open the newly downloaded psyexp file in PsychoPy.
A word of caution.
Whenever you open an experiment on a computer that might not have been the last one to sync the experiment, click on the right hand icon (view details of this project) and then press the sync button to download the latest version. Then reopen the latest version in PsychoPy before making any new edits.