TextBox sizing - clipped viewable information

Hi - after some help getting a text box component to display correctly on my monitor. I’ve currently got the box set up to scroll through information sheet text but only part of the box is showing. The information looks to be of the correct size but despite changing the size of the box several times I cannot work out how to get this box to display across the height and width of my monitor.

This is a screen grab of the current issue:


I’ve adjusted the H/W size of the textbox itself (currently set to 1,1), spatial units are from experiment settings, anchor = centre and scroll is enabled.

Any thoughts very welcomed!

1,1 is a square in height units

It looks like you have too much padding.

Thank you. I think you’re right so I’ve adjusted the padding. Despite adjusting the overall size of the textbox I get this where the text sits in the middle and doesn’t use the full width of the box.


Current set up is Size 1.5, 0.8, position 0,0, Padding 0.5, spatial units from exp settings, Anchor top-left (seems to make it better than centre but doesn’t resolve it) and scroll enabled.

Thank you for the help. It’s a smal thing but I’ve been adjusting its all morning and it’s been driving me crackers!