URL of experiment: Sign in · GitLab
Description of the problem: the experiment has a loop for playing sounds in each round, but when I run the online test the sounds are only played in the first execution.
URL of experiment: Sign in · GitLab
Description of the problem: the experiment has a loop for playing sounds in each round, but when I run the online test the sounds are only played in the first execution.
Hi – this is a known issue which unfortunately hasn’t yet been solved. The workaround is to start the sound after the routine has started.
I have the same problem in my experiment, I have 3 sounds in 3 routines in each loop trial, but only the first sound in the first routine of the first trial works when I polite it in pavlovia, I adjusted the starting time, it still doesn’t work…
and also I found in the properties settings of sound, the choise of “constant”, "set every repeat: is gray…
This setting is grey because sounds are never set at the beginning of the experiment, so the only options are every repeat and during a static period (and this latter option doesn’t yet work online).
What version of PsychoPy are you using? It might be worth trying 2024.2.0 rather than 2024.1.x
Thank you, I see, I use 2024.1.5. Now the sound problem solved when I put the same sound stimuli in different folders for each routine seperately. But the setting is still gray, maybe it is just as you said.