Slider response causes screen to black out

URL of experiment: TCT_repeat_online_02 [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem:
PsychoPy Version: 2024.2.5

I have an online experiment where participants are asked to rate a series of images one after another on a slider from a scale of -2 to +2. Each trial times out after 5 seconds. The slider response is supposed to force the end of the routine and continue to the ITI routine at the start of the loop. Instead, the screen goes black for the remainder of the time left on the slider rating routine. Weirdly, it seems like the code enters the next routine during this black out period (I confirmed this by writing messages to the console during the ITI routine that should follow the slider click).

This does not happen when I force end a routine using a key press in other routines, or if I allow a key press (e.g. hitting the space key) to force the end of the rating routine.

I am not sure if this is relevant, but this project was originally created in the Builder using PsychoPy 2022.2 and this problem started immediately after switching over to PsychoPy 2024.2.5.

Hi, don’t know if you’ve solved this already, but I just wanted to add my experience.

I also had a lot of problems with the online version in PsychoPy 2024.2.5. I would recommend deleting all files that are generated by Psychopy once run, deleting the online repository, setting the Psychopy version to 2024.1.4 in the experiment settings and starting afresh. That solved all issues for me.