Hello everyone,
I’ve created a perception task in my experiment, in which participants are asked to repeat sentences they heard. I am using the microphone response option but the recordings that are saved are silent. I searched for solutions in previous topics but none of them helped.
Another problem is with the slider responses, which are saved as ‘1’, no matter what the number was ticked (I’ve created rating scale of 1-5).
I would like to get some help,
Thank you!
Can someone help please?
Check the hardware settings for your microphone component. Have you selected the correct microphone? Default might fail.
Are you checking the recordings after the experiment has ended?
Are you ending the experiment by pressing escape or letting it finish?
For the slider, please show your slider and any slider code.
Thanks for your answer.
I am using the computer’s microphone and tried all the possible options.
Yes, I am checking the recordings and they are empty. I am ending the experiment by pressing escape.
Regarding the slider - I am using the builder mode so there is no code. Print screens of the slider’s settings are attached.
I tried to use the computer’s default microphone named Microphone Array (RealTek) and this is what I got. What does this error number mean?
Recordings aren’t saved if you press escape in versions before 2024. This is also bad practice if you want to run your experiment online. Try ending the experiment smoothly (key press or timeout of the final routine).
That error message implies that the microphone selected in the component is no longer available (or has changed number). What version of PsychoPy are you using?
For the slider, try changing the duration to time from condition.
I am using the (v2024.1.4) version. I set the experiment ending with key press of ESCAPE, but from your answer I got that it’s better for me to change it to another key.
Regarding the recordings, I tried to use the “default” option with the sample rate equivalent to that of the computer’s microphone (48,000Hz) and it worked but the sound of the recordings is smeared, slow and unclear. Changing the sample rate to 16,000Hz (voice) didn’t help.
Regarding the slider - I got handled, the response is shown but I didn’t manage to find it in the file.