Description of the problem: Whenever I create a rating slider in the psychopy builder, it works locally but doesn’t display a marker when uploaded online. The response is still recorded and the trial ends but I’d like to have the marker be briefly visible (i.e. how it is within psychopy) to visually confirm the rating choice. I’d like to avoid adding a second action like another mouse click or key press to confirm the rating, in the interest of time.
The experiment was made in the psychopy builder but I’d like to edit the psychojs code online, so I’m looking for a psychojs solution. Any help is appreciated!
Hi, the solution in the linked thread seems to be to set the slider to not end the routine and to add another action (e.g. keypress) to end it. I’d really like to avoid adding another step if possible, and to just have the initial selection be the only action in a trial.
I tried changing 500 to 0.5 and now it waits 0.5 sec after I make a selection to end the trial. However I’m still not seeing the marker. (apologies if you received this notification twice, I responded to myself the first time I posted this and later realized you may not get a notification for that)