Share experiment in Pavlovia


I have a project in Pavlovia which objective is to calibrate every device when I want, so I need to make my experiment visible to everybody, and I have no license or credits. Is there a posibility to share the experiment without it?

Best regards.

This info might be useful on how to share projects publically or with selected collaborators: Searching for experiments on Pavlovia — PsychoPy v2022.1.1

That’s not what I meant.

You have to add credits and set your experiment to “running”, and it will provide a link that you can send to other users to use. Otherwise, you can have people log into your Pavlovia account and pilot it as you do, but I’m not sure that’s what you want.

If you set your code to public then other people can fork it and try their copy using their own credits or licence.

If you purchase a small number of credits and set your experiment so it can’t end (and you don’t save partial data) then people can try your code. The credits are reserved when someone starts and released after 24 hours.