Register to Pavlovia: "Email domain is not authorized for sign-up"

Hi everyone.

I’m encountering an issue while trying to register on the Plavovia platform using my institutional email address. However, the registration fails, and the following error message appears:
“1 error prohibited this user from being saved: Email domain is not authorized for sign-up”.

My institution is “University of Bucharest” , a Romanian university. For students email addresses have the following form: I filled out the form to authorize a specific domain but I have not received a response.

I need to use Pavlovia in order to run an experiment online for my bachelor thesis.

Thank you for your help,

Sorry about that. I can see your application in our backlog.

I’ve just pushed an update that accounts for your university using subdomains and you should now be cleared to create your account.

Apologies for the inconvenience

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Thank you so much wakecarter & jon.