Recording reaction times using the microphone response

Hello everyone!

I am quite new to PsychoPy and I have a question to the use of microphone response. I’m using the builder and I’d like to measure vocal reaction times during a simple production task, while using the microphone component. My PsychoPy trial looks like this:

I’m aware reaction times can be obtained manually, for instance by examining the waveforms for each trial in a sound editor (such as Audacity), putting markers on the start of the speech manually, and calculating vocal response time relative to the start of the trial/recording. However, this would be quite laborious, given that each experiment consists of 36 recordings and 120 participants will be examined.

Is there any other way to get reaction time data? Can any code be inserted?

Could anyone please help me? (A dummy-version explanation will be very much appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:)

Thanks a lot!


This would require putting some custom code in a code component I think. Start by playing with the demo some the Demos menu in the Coder view.

I’m not familiar with that code or how it works, but it would need some adjustment to get it into a Builder code component (e.g. dropping all the calls to core.wait()

Hi, you might be interested in reading this paper

I think you could implement the DTVK using pyo, with decent results.

Hope this helps.

hello @ LucieJirankova

did you ever figure this out? Im trying to create a picture naming task and have the same problem?



Unfortunately, I didn’t. I recorded the whole experiment on my mobile phone and then analysed each recording using a simple Praat script (you simply annotate the sound wave with silences). This way you get the reaction times without having to adjust the sound-wave span manually.

There should also be a Praat script that will give you the reaction times to your responses (basically measuring the length of the silence) but you would have to cut all the trials into individual sound files to get the data for that specific silence measure. I used the silence annotation so I cannot help you more with that, but let me know if you have any questions about how to use Praat to get the reaction times.

Best wishes,

Hello~ I’m trying to use Praat to get the RT, too. However, I’m not sure what indicator I should utilize, the time of first pitch value? Or the time of intensity which is more than 50dB? Could you please share your manipulation? Thanks a lot! :heart_eyes:

I’m no expert here so I followed the advice given to me by our faculty phonetician. He said to use the silence threshold of -35 dB and the minimum silent interval duration of 0.15 (so that it omitted voiceless stops like /p/, etc.). You set this up once and use it for all your “sillences.” Did it help? :slight_smile:
Best wishes,

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Hai [Michael]
This demo miss