I want to first ask a question regarding the quitPsychoJS function on Pavlovia. If a participant had to accidentally press the Escape button during the experiment, does it consume a credit and are those results saved to the database?
Secondly, I want to have two diffrerent messages for when a participant either quits the experiment or completes it. At the moment, the current message that appears is:
The [Escape] key was pressed. Goodbye!
I am able to change this message. I understand that it follows this function:
function quitPsychoJS(message, isCompleted) {
// Check for and save orphaned data
if (psychoJS.experiment.isEntryEmpty()) {
However, I am unable to change the value of ‘message’ to have two different messages: one for completion of the experiment, one for quitting the experiment. These are the two messages I am attempting to add:
The Escape key was pressed. If you have pressed this key by mistake, press “OK” to be redirected to the start of the experiment.
(Redirects using experiment link)
Thank you for your participation. Press “OK” to complete this experiment, where you will be redirected to a webpage explaining the purpose of this study.
(Redirects to a debriefing PDF)
Of course, these messages are subject to change if I have not fully understood the way “Quit” works, so I would be very grateful if someone could assist me with any of these issues. Thanks in advance.