Ensuring Completion of Experiments in PsychoPy

I am new to PsychoPy and would appreciate some help in determining whether participants have completed their experiments. Although they have finished the experiment, I am unable to find any information in the session section.

Participants have informed me that when they attempt to close the window after completing the experiment, a message appears stating, ‘From “run.pavlovia.org”: Are you sure you want to leave this page? OR the changes will not be saved.’ How can I ensure that participants have indeed completed the experiment, and what should they see if they have successfully completed it?

Are you asking participants to press escape? The final routine needs to be allowed to end.

Thank you so much for your reply.

I just tried that from another computer, and it gives a message saying ‘Thank you for your patience.’ However, I still can’t find it listed as completed. Instead, it is shown as aborted.

If you see this message in green then this should be data getting saved. Is there anything in the data folder in Gitlab? Are you saving as CSV?

In fact, two messages appear after completing the experiment. The first is a warning in yellow. I am attaching a picture. It is followed immediately by a green message.

As for the second question, yes, in CSV format. When I downloaded the results, there were 6 CSV files.

The message says the escape key was pressed. Is this true? If so, why?

Yes, the escape key was pressed because the experiment is finished.

Don’t do this.

Your final routine should end on a keypress.

Sorry for the many questions, but I’m still getting a warning even after the final routine ends on a keypress. However, the status now shows as completed.

The green message should look different

The screenshot you’ve just posted is during the data save.

Yes, the green message that says ‘thank you for your patience’ immediately follows the yellow warning. Does that mean the experiment has ended successfully?


Thank you so much!