I am new to PsychoPy and would appreciate some help in determining whether participants have completed their experiments. Although they have finished the experiment, I am unable to find any information in the session section.
Participants have informed me that when they attempt to close the window after completing the experiment, a message appears stating, ‘From “run.pavlovia.org”: Are you sure you want to leave this page? OR the changes will not be saved.’ How can I ensure that participants have indeed completed the experiment, and what should they see if they have successfully completed it?
I just tried that from another computer, and it gives a message saying ‘Thank you for your patience.’ However, I still can’t find it listed as completed. Instead, it is shown as aborted.
In fact, two messages appear after completing the experiment. The first is a warning in yellow. I am attaching a picture. It is followed immediately by a green message.
As for the second question, yes, in CSV format. When I downloaded the results, there were 6 CSV files.
Sorry for the many questions, but I’m still getting a warning even after the final routine ends on a keypress. However, the status now shows as completed.
Yes, the green message that says ‘thank you for your patience’ immediately follows the yellow warning. Does that mean the experiment has ended successfully?