Sorry I am a complete newbie at psychopy/pavlovia. I have create a survey in Qualtrics which randomly assigns a participant ID, but would response ID work better if the data can be transferred from pavlovia to qualtrics? I am aiming to then embed the Pavlovia link with in qualtrics. I have seen that people are able to transfer the participant ID from Qualtrics to Pavlovia, but I was wondering if I can then do it back from pavlovia to Qualtrics where participants can see the debrief.
I was also hoping if it was possible to transfer the data from the pavlovia experiment to Qualtrics when participants view the debrief, which would the store all the experiment data on Qualtrics so I am not manually having to pair the qualtrics data to the corresponding pavlovia data.
Is this possible? If so, would someone be able to give me step by step instructions?
I am currently waiting for the psychopy experiment to be uploaded to pavlovia, but it would be nice to know before hand if this is possible and what to do.
I hope this makes sense! I am completely new to all the custom URL and embedding.
What do you have in Qualtrics apart from your participant information, demographics and debrief?
If that’s about it, then I now use my VESPR Study Portal for this instead.
It’s not possible to send all of the Pavlovia data to Qualtrics so I pair data (based on ResponseID or session from my portal) when I need extensive data from both platforms.
Theres also the Hexad player user type survey, emotion regulation survey and the attentional control scale survey.
Theres no way to bring the reaction time data over from pavlovia to qualtrics then? If not, is it possible to have step by step instructions of how to embed the link and move from qualtrics to pavlovia and back to qualtrics, as well as how to keep a track of the participant numbers? I have studied the other threads about this, but I am so confused on what all the URL things mean.
If you want to just send summary data (e.g. mean RT) to Qualtrics then you can do that via a URL variable by using psychoJS.setRedirectUrls(myCompletedURL, myCancelledURL) to add the variable and value.
And that will do the mean/average RTT for each participant?
I am still really confused on how the custom URL works / how to know which goes where and how to add that to qualtrics to get to pavlovia and then pavlovia back to qualtrics.
I’m planning to create a video tutorial on this topic over the next few days, possibly with the example Prolific → VESPR Study Portal → Pavlovia → Qualtrics → VESPR Study Portal → Prolific
Id also like to add that for the reaction time task there is a practise run. Would the means URL also copy in the data from that or is there a way to get psychopy/pavlovia not to record the practise run?
Sorry for all the questions!
That definitely helps - Ill probably be able to get my head around it a bit more once the task is uploaded to Pavlovia.
I do still have a few questions though:
In Qualtrics the participants have a random number generated for their ID, which is in the embedded survey flow. Will I be able to take this to Pavlovia and back?
How will Pavlovia automatically record the average reaction time from the task (The Simple Reaction Time Task), and what will the variable be called to transfer over through the URL? Or will I have to transfer all of the reaction time data through? Keep in mind they do a short practise of the reaction time task, in which I do not want the reaction times recording.
If you are starting in Qualtrics then you could set participant to your random ID and session to ResponseID (a unique Qualtrics variable you can add - see slide 38 of Qualtrics Primer - Google Slides)
The key to your second question is to calculate an average reaction time in PsychoPy (for example by appending the RTs to a list and then calculating the mean at the end of the experiment). You then need to modify the completed URL using psychoJS.setRedirectUrls()
Awesome thank you! In regards to the mean and list, how is it possible to do that in psychopy/pavlovia? Sorry for all the questions, Pavlovia and Psychopy do not get on well with me!
I am still having some issues with psychopy. I have imported an already made Simple Reaction Time Task (by Deary & Liewald, 2011) into psychopy, but it does not look to be measuring in milliseconds on the excel data sheet…nor do I understand which is the actual reaction times and if an average is being generated. If an average is not being generated, I am still very confused on how to add this in the builder from what you have said above. Any help would be much appreciated, this is for my Masters degree.