Psychopy on Mac OS using the stand-alone version and via terminal

Hi all,

Since I have updated both my stand-alone Psychopy installation (version 1.85.6) as well as module within my anaconda distribution (version 1.85.3) I experience the following (I am working on OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6):

  1. The two versions are different. I seem to not be able to get the psychopy version within the anaconda distribution to the same (higher) version as the stand-alone version (tried “pip install psychopy --upgrade”).

  2. When I execute a very simple psychopy script such as the one below, the window is not opened on the external monitor, but on the main screen. I read this has something to do with Max OS and the pyglet module. Any known fixes? When I set ‘fullscr=False’, then the window does appear on the external monitor.

from psychopy import core, visual
win = visual.Window(screen=1, monitor="testMonitor", fullscr=True)
  1. When I execute a little more complicated psychopy script like below, the window appears on my main screen as above, but now, most importantly, the text is not displayed at the center of the window, but at the left bottom. Things get even stranger: when I set ‘fullscr=False’, the text is not displayed at all, even when I set size=(1650, 1050), to make the window “full screen”. Does anyone know why?
from psychopy import visual, core
win = visual.Window(screen=1, monitor="testMonitor", fullscr=True)
msg = visual.TextStim(win, text="Hello World!")
  1. Now the fun part. When I execute the above little scripts within the stand-alone psychopy, which is some versions higher, the text does always show up. Unfortunately, full screen is still not possible at the external monitor.

Any thoughts? Does anyone have a work-around? I mean, yes, mirroring your screen will fix the external monitor issue. But can I get my anaconda psychopy module to a higher (stable) version so that text (and all other stimuli) will always show up, even when I am not running from within the stand-alone version?

Many thanks!