Hi all,
I’m installing PsychoPy for the first time on a MacBook Pro running Mojave. PsychoPy freezes on the welcome screen and stops responding. I have never made it past this screen.
I have Python 2.7.15 installed and I’ve followed these instructions from the PsychoPy website:
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas pyopengl pyglet pillow moviepy lxml openpyxl configobj psychopy
to use iohub
you need to install the hdf5 lib before installing tables (brew install hdf5
on mac))
pip install pyyaml gevent greenlet msgpack-python psutil tables
better excel file reading (than openpyxl)
pip install xlrd
making online connections (e.g. OSF.io)
pip install requests[security] pyosf
alternative audio (easier than pyo to install)
pip install cffi sounddevice pysoundfile
I have installed and uninstalled PsychoPy 1.90.1, 1.90.3 and 3.0.0b6 and the same problem has emerged every time. Does anyone have any idea about what I have done wrong?