URL of experiment: Pavlovia
Description of the problem:
I am facing a problem with the locations of textboxes online.
I used textbox components to get written answers from participants. I used several texbox components in one routine, and I wanted some to be visible and some not. So I used an opacity variable (1.0, 0.0), coded in a conditions.csv file. However, when I set opacity to “set every repeat”, the locations seem to be modified online (the texboxes appear lower on the screen)…
I have made a minimal example that reproduced my issue, in the URL above. There are three blocks of 5 trials each.
- In the first 5 trials, opacity is set to 1, and they do not pose problems.
- in the next 5 trials, opacity value is retrived from conditions.csv, and the location of two textboxes are shifted downward.
- in the last three, , opacity is set to 1, but “fill color” value is retrived from conditions.csv. The problem does not occur anymore.
Three remarks :
- The problem appears only online, not offline.
- The problem might be elated with opacity, not with other parameters. Indeed, when I change “fill color” based on the conditions file, the locations remain correct (see the trials_3, nb 11 to 15).
- the problem might be somehow related to full screen, since when I press escape (during the online experiment), the locations seem to be ok again.
I don’t know where the problem comes from. Could it be a bug of PsychoPy/PsychoJS, or did I do something wrong? Have you got an idea on how I might handle this problem?
I hope my description was clear enough.
Thanks a lot,