Pavlovia not loading up the most recent experiment version

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem: This is a weird one. I believe I accidentally pushed a commit without a message. I know this has caused issues in the past. However, I was able to solve those issues by manually pushing further updates using command prompt.

This time, I have successfully pushed new commits to Gitlab. However, Pavlovia is not running the newest version. It is running the experiment as it was prior to the ā€œmessage-less commitā€. The most obvious example is that I have remove ā€˜participantā€™ as a field. Here is the opening dialogue box:

Here is the code in gitlab:

// store info about the experiment session:
let expName = ā€˜online auditory typing taskā€™; // from the Builder filename that created this script
let expInfo = {ā€˜Native Languageā€™: ā€˜ā€™, ā€˜Ageā€™: ā€˜ā€™};

When I inspect the source of the code I get this:

You can clearly see that the code being loaded is different. It contains participant as a expInfo field. Scrolling down it doesnā€™t contain any of the new code elements present in the current Gitlab version of the experiment.

Iā€™m scheduled to begin running the experiment tomorrow. Any ideas how to fix this?

Hi @unagi_pie, sometimes you need to force your browser to refresh the cache (bypass the cache). If using windows, hit CRTL + F5, and try again.

The key combo might depend on your application. On mac chrome this is Cmd-Shift-R.
But certainly the URL you link to doesnā€™t contain a participant field when I visit.

Thanks for taking a look at it. This worked.

Iā€™m having a similar issue with

Iā€™m trying to work out whether I can use visual.Circle or visual.Polygon and at the moment I have the visual.Circle routine in the flow but when I test using Pavlovia piloting or via the runner I get a keyboard press in the data file which comes from the visual.Polygon routine. An additional routine I just added to check my sin=Math.sin function isnā€™t appearing at all. The latest version does seem to be in Github.



The issue still persists. Pavlovia wonā€™t load the most recent version, even after trying out all the bypass cache hotkeys.

Manually deleting the cache, or disabling cache ( did seem to work, though.

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