Pavlovia experiment set to "Running" but I still want the.csv file to download to the local computer


I am using Pavlovia to run an experiment in an undergraduate tutorial. When piloting, a .csv file would automatically download to the local computer once the task completed. I now have the experiment set to “Running”. I swear I tried it out and it continued to download the .csv to the local computer, however now the tutors are reporting that this no longer happens.

URL of experiment: Pavlovia

Description of the problem: I would like the .csv file to download to the local computer once the task is completed, but this is no longer happening. I would like the students to immediately see and start analysing their own data. Is there an easy way to enable the .csv download to the local computer in “Running” mode?


Hello James,

In piloting mode, the csv is downloaded to your computer, in run-mode, however, data are stored on Pavlovia. So, you have to download them. AFAIK, there is no way to download the csv, automatically in run-mode.
You might find some help in this thread (I never tried it out, I have to say)

Best wishes Jens