Pavlovia data file automatically saved to participants' computer?

Description of the problem:

We just set our project to active on Pavlovia. We then did a dry run ourselves in active mode (using up 1 credit), but at the end of the experiment, not only was the data file saved on Pavlovia, it also automatically downloaded to our local computer. Is this normal? How do we prevent participants from getting their own data files? Does this happen only because the browser somehow recognized that we were a developer of the project and let the file download locally?

You just need to go to your Pavlovia page of the experiment and click on saving format: DATABASE on the right (see picture), and the data will automatically be saved on your database (that you can download at anytime from that same place session: download results). Note that this only works in running mode and when you have credits.

Hi Jiang166, did you figure out how to stop the automatic saving? I have the same issue.
Changing it to database on Pavlovia does not help. It simply changes the file format for the file that the participant is asked to download.

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Are you using the pilot link?

Try putting it to inactive then active again to regenerate the code.

It happens for both running and piloting.

Actually, it doesn’t when running the experiment. Thank you.

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