I am working with the panel service CloudConnect, which will pass these values to my survey URL: https://run.pavlovia.org/pavlovia/survey-2024.2.0/?surveyId=e5db64eb-7f65-4a25-8552-9b9ffcf26d59?participantId=XXXXX&assignmentId=XXXXX&projectId=XXXXX
I need to record
but I do not need to pass the values. I see guidance for how to pass the values forward in the URL (Carrying participant IDs from Pavlovia to Qualtrics using the URL), but I just need to record them once on page 2 of the survey (meaning they got past the first page consent).
What is the best way to record hidden data from the URL (that does not need to be passed forward)?
To update others who may be working with these panels, the company initially confirmed participantID should be preceded by a “?”. I verified that would fail. I have written them back asking if they can replace it with a “&”, which I have verified is recorded.
To recap, using this url to go to my survey records all three values in the URL without additional script needed, but I have to get CloudConnect on board. https://run.pavlovia.org/pavlovia/survey-2024.2.0/surveyId=e5db64eb-7f65-4a25-8552-9b9ffcf26d59/&participantId=XXXXX&assignmentId=XXXXX&projectId=XXXXX