Participant ID not saving in online experiments

Hello, for some reason when I download my data from pavlovia there is no participant ID in the data file or the name of the file. However, it is still granting credit to participants automatically.
I had the experiment on Pavlovia and it was saving the data file with the participant ID. I found an error in my instructions, so I corrected it in the builder and then re-synced the experiment under a new name. Now it is not saving the participant ID. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

My qualtrics link is:
In SONA I have
I have my ID variable in qualtrics:

Under end of survey in qualtrics I have my pavlovia URL and ID info:
Rein2 [PsychoPy]
My Qualtrics redirect link in SONA is:
GSU Psychology Research and Testing Site
And in my experiment completed URL is:
$“GSU Psychology Research and Testing Site”+expInfo[‘participant’]
In the data line in my experiment I have:
u’data/%s_%s_%s’ % (expInfo[‘participant’], expName, expInfo[‘date’])
My participant variable is lowercase as in the data line line above.

Hi Brooke, what I notice is that when sending your participants from qualtrics to pavlovia they have an ID in the variable id but sending them from pavlovia back to SONA, you code the variable participant to be their ID. So you seem to assume that your experiment has the ID in the expInfo['participant'], which I don’t think it does. When starting your experiment I see this:


So pavlovia definitely does not get a participant value from qualtrics. Otherwise, this field would be hidden.

Do you find the variable id in your data files?

Ah yes. It looks like i copied the SONA participant ID variable instead of the ?participant=${e://Field/id}. That would definitely be the issue!