(macOS Sequoia 15.1.1)
(PsychoPy Standalone v2024.1.4, Builder view)
Hi, thanks for the help!
I’m trying to create a slideshow of images which participants press through, then at the end of the slideshow they recount what they saw. There are 3 slideshows in total, so 3 blocks. This is the setup in Builder view:
I have the image component within image_trial set to $imagePath. The slideshow loop conditions is set to $slideshowConds. The blocks condition is set to a filepath leading to chooseSlideshow.xlsx which looks like this:
slideshowConds |
conditions_sheets/slideshow1.xlsx |
conditions_sheets/slideshow2.xlsx |
conditions_sheets/slideshow3.xlsx |
Each slideshow.xslx file lists the image paths of the relevant images with the heading $imagePath.
This setup has worked with no issues a few weeks ago. Lately I receive this error when trying to run the experiment:
NameError: name ‘imagePath’ is not defined
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:92060] #################
I checked slideshow Properties and noticed the “No parameters set (conditionsFile not found)” message:
I click the green refresh icon and this message changes to “Conditions file set from variable”. This sometimes fixes the issue and sometimes doesn’t. Whenever I run the experiment or close the file, the “No parameters set (conditionsFile not found)” message returns.
I found a few other macOS users who reported the same issue in 2023: Conditions file not found for staircase experiment - #4 by nghess
Has anyone found a solution for this / can you see what I’m doing wrong?