New web app. VESPR Study Portal

Can conditions be based on different Pavlovia links?

That is, can VESPR take a participant from SONA, and send them to one of two different Pavlovia links depending on the condition they get assigned to? Or does counterbalancing have to happen in a single Pavlovia experiment via a condition number?

The VESPR Study Portal can only send to one URL.

You could try which can be used to send to different URLs or commission me to add the functionality to the VESPR Study Portal (if you need reallocation of lapsed participants). I won’t have time to do it before the 20th December but could do it before the end of the year.

Hi wakecarter,

I’m trying to use the counterbalancing feature in VESPR, but something isn’t working. I’ve set the number of groups to six in the study portal, and I’ve added a field named “group” to expInfo in the experiment, yet the value of expInfo["group"] while the experiment is running is an empty string. Thus the following code, which runs at the beginning of a routine later on in the experiment,

cond_file = "litbi_" + expInfo["group"] + ".csv"

results in cond_file having the value “litbi_.csv” (which then results in the experiment crashing since one of the values needed from the conditions file isn’t found). The URL I’m using, with __pilotToken and __oauthToken set appropriately, is:

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for the help.

You’ve given a link to my earlier tool, which assigns a value for participant, not group.

You should launch from:
if you delete the consent statement in the portal

I see, and the counterbalancing works as expected now. Thanks again.

In the interest of teaching others to fish, the URL to use was noted in these slides linked off of the study portal page. I’d seen them before but will actually carefully read through them now.

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Hi wakecarter,

Could you add a Swedish option to VESPR with the following translations?

‘Participant Information’ — Deltagarinformation

‘Continue to experiment’ — Gå vidare till experimentet

‘Download study information’ — Ladda ned information om experimentet

‘Consent not given’ — Samtycke ej givet

‘Continue’ — Gå tillbaka (‘go back (to the PI page)’, supposing that’s what the button do)

‘Debrief’ — Debrief

‘View all available studies’ — Se tillgängliga studied


Just posted one but another question — is there a way to swap the VESPR logo on the top to another logo (like any university logo) on the PI page? Thank you!

Yes, please email me a suitable logo file for your institution.

I’ve added Swedish as a language and your logo

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Thank you so much! Sorry but I just had one typo:
‘View all available studies’ — Se tillgängliga studier (not “studied”)
