Need help : Data

Hello all,

I created a script on the Builder that works perfectly. My problem is the data… Even though I crossed the case “Save excel file”, I only have an unreadable CSV file with datas of my participants’ answers (+ an Excel file with the features of my participants). I would like to have an Excel file with the answers of my participants so that it is readable but I cannot find how to do it.
I work on Windows 10.

Thank you !

Please can I double check what you mean in terms of the .csv file is “not readable” - are you unable to open the file?


5_MDSexp_2020_Nov_06_1115.csv (18.1 KB)

No no, I’m able to open the file. I attached a CSV file of my datas for you to see what I mean by “not readable”.

Thank you,

Hi Habiba,

This looks like a pretty standard psychopy output file to me - is it that you are having difficulty navigating it ?


Hello Becca,

The problem is that it’s a CSV file, not separated in columns. I want to have an Excel file separated in columns. I don’t know if I’m clear, sorry for my English haha

Thank you,

Hi Habiba,

The default output is .csv for psychopy experiments. But I am a little confused because the data file opens in excel for me as seperated columns - are you able to open the file as an excel worksheet so that it might make the column format clearer?


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Hi Becca,

Thank you for your help, I rebuilt my script and my datas are saved with no problem !
