Hi everyone, we have collected data from 32 participants, but we only have 22 of those data sets when we download the results through Pavlovia. We are missing 10 .csv files. In the “experiments” tab it also seems to have only recorded 22 data sets. We collected this data in person and watched the participants complete and submit the study, so we know that they completed it. We also have “save incomplete results” on. Any advice on where we can find our missing data sets?
Here is the link to our project: Zulma Guasch-Pereira / FinalFriendExperiment · GitLab
Thank you!
As far as I can see there are no issues with your code. Participants should only be able to reach your Google form once the data has been saved.
Try downloading the results from https://pavlovia.org/zguasch/finalfriendexperiment instead of by syncing the experiment. The latter absolutely should work unless you have (at any point) set your experiment to database saving but I’ve seen elsewhere evidence of a failure to transfer data from the Pavlovia runtime server to the Gitlab server.
Does your experiment page show the additional participants as completed or aborted?
I tried downloading the data from the link but got the same result. I don’t believe the experiment was ever changed to database saving. We have 7 submitted and 13 aborted on the experiment page (I had to delete and re-upload the experiment while we were collecting data, but I saved the data before doing that).
I suspect that deleting and reuploading is the most likely reason for the lost data. Why did you have to do that? How many participants did you have after this point…i.e. is the lost data from before or after the deletion?
I had to delete and reupload the experiment because it wasn’t syncing from PsychoPy to Pavlovia. I was following these instructions.
I had 28 participants before the deletion and 5 after the fact (we had 4 and just got another participant). I downloaded the data before the deletion. Looking at that file, it is still missing the data. There is no missing data after the deletion.
When I download the data files now, the zip file includes data from before the deletion. So I assume that the data files were not lost when I deleted and reuploaded the experiment.