Hi there,
I’m new to PsychoPy and Python coding in general, and I’m hoping any of you could help with the below please:
I’m working solely on Builder at the moment and the aim is to have an online experiment (hosted on Pavlovia) for participants (recruited via Prolific) to first answer a few Likert-scale questions on their trust propensity (I prefer to keep my experiment all in one place, hence not using Qualtrics), and then start the trials, which they will have to listen to one audio file at a time and respond to a series of questions, specifically Matrix-style questions relating to each audio file.
My concerns and questions:
For the trust propensity questions I want to use a Likert scale. However, I can only find the Slider component on Builder, which although looks similar to a Likert scale, it seems to act on a continuous manner, rather than work in an ordinal manner. Is it possible to adjust this through the Slider settings on builder so only the actual 7-points on the slider can be selected rather than anything in between?
For the audio stimuli, I would like the audio to appear on screen with it’s equivalent “play”, “pause”, “stop” features, so participants can listen to the audio again if they want to, before rating it. Is that possible through the Builder Sound component? Because so far the sound component automatically plays the sound on the background, without any replayability control by participants.
Just to confirm, PsychoPy and Pavlovia do not compress my audio files right?
For the audio stimuli again, when it comes to responding to questions relating to each audio file: I need to use a Matrix question with radio buttons, where each item of the question can be scored from most to least (1 - 7). Is it possible to do that using only the Builder (e.g. by modifying the Sliding component), and if so, how? Or will I need to code the matrix question manually using the Coder?
If I have to implement a Likert scale and/or a Matrix question using the Coder, that code will need to be compatible for use in my online experiment (i.e. to be successfully translated from PsychoPy to PsychoJS). Is that feasible, and if yes, how (any likert scale / matrix code snippets available please)? Any potential problems that could arise using this approach?
Is there a way to track response time by measuring how many seconds it took participants to move from one “audio stimulis and responses” to the next?
Many thanks,
Example of what I’m trying to achieve for each audio stimulus:
P.S. Apologies if this is a duplicated topic. I’ve already looked at other forum topics but I couldn’t find any tackling my questions. When it comes to Matrices, most topics seem to be relating on how to change the position of stimuli using a matrix-style visualisation rather than an actual question on a Matrix-question form with items and scoring/response.