March 4, 2024, 9:17am
I have tried different fonts but still I get the broken/cut Korean letters as attached.
Did anyone have this experience with other letters than alphabet? do you know how I can fix it?
Do you mean the clipping from the top and bottom. This can be an issue in English as well, but with a more minor effect (missing the bottom of the g in large fonts for example). I’ll nudge the dev team about it.
March 4, 2024, 10:46am
Thanks for your response!
Then it means there’s no solution for now on our ends?
Please could you check whether it’s better using the textbox stim (where you can specify the box height)?
There are also a couple of other suggestions here (change in font or adding newline characters above and below).
If this template helps then use it. If not then just delete and start from scratch.
OS Mac
What are you trying to achieve?:
locate the sentences all in the screen.
What did you try to make it work?:
I want to make a middle bar to split the window left-right half-half. then right side to display questions into the right side window no matter how long is the sentence.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
I located the Position[x,y] as (0.4, 0.3), and the question se…
I am currently building a reading task that runs online.
So far, it is running well, but the bottom of some characters (g and y) are slightly(!) cropped. I am using Arial, 0.1 letter heigh, and 0,0 position (see screenshot). When I exit full-screen mode, the letters are no longer cropped.
[Screenshot_2021-07-27 Stories PsychoPy(2)]
As suggested in various posts, I have changed the font, size, and spatial units, but the letters are still not fully displayed.
Hello guys!
I’ve been wrapping my head around this topic… and I found a way how to present an Arabic text in cursive without being cropped. In some other posts, I’ve read that choosing the right font would fix that problem (but not actually saying which one…) So I’ve tried a LOT of fonts and “DAMASCUS” is working just perfectly!!!
Hope this information can help someone!
March 5, 2024, 12:31am
Thank you so much! I’ll try that!