Joining two separate psychopy

My course mate and I are designing a study for our final year project on PsychoPy. As we are in constricted to local restrictions and lockdowns we have both done one half of the study each on our own computers and we wanted to merge them. We were wondering if there is an easy way we can do this or whether just have to copy her part onto my computer manually.

Best wishes,

Hi Victoria,

Unfortunately there is no ‘out of box’ approach to merging. But you can use Experiment> copy routine and bring over the routines from a seperate file (you would need to add the loops yourselves though.

If you are going to continue working on a project together though, can I recommend using a free acount to do so. That way you can push the project to pavlovia, and add your lab mate as a team member to the project - there you can work on the same files! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for your response!
That is really helpful, I was just wondering how we can work on a project together. We each made a Pavlovia account but we have never used it before so are a bit confused how to work on the same files together and adding her as a proper team mate on the project as I added her to it but it seems she can only make comments on it!

Sorry if there is a really easy and obvious way of doing this, just have never used pavlovia before and finding it hard to get to grips with it!

I am pleased to hear you are giving the pavlovia approach a go! Sounds like you might need to change the permissions of your lab mate to be “maintainer” have you tried that?


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