Hi there - I’ve reported a bug regarding expInfo not closing correctly when no parameters at ExpInfo array not closed properly when no properties set in builder · Issue #4799 · psychopy/psychopy · GitHub - though during testing of 2022.1.3 on a Windows 10 machine, I also spotted other issues which I thought I’d share here first and check if they need submitting as bugs:
1) Working on online experiments built in 2021.1.4 and not opening when clicked directly to load in 2022.1.3
Older experiments with a pre-existing Pavlovia .git project already present will not always open directly for some reason. Starts to load up PsychoPy, and then just dies with no error messages (even when running via CMD). I can however open up the experiment by opening PsychoPy builder first, and then opening via the file menu.
If I delete the .git folder, then the experiment will load up when the file is clicked on directly.
2) Experiments without loops will give a currentLoop handler error
I noticed that if you push an experiment without a loop online (i.e. one routine with a text + keyboard component), you get a “ReferenceError: currentLoop is not defined”
The simple workaround is to add a loop round at least one single element with 1 rep, or make sure any response components are not saving data if you don’t have any actual trial loops in your experiment. Seems to be a currentLoop handler that has been added to trialRoutineEnd() that is causing the issue.
3) Javascript being pulled into Python code generation
If you have an old script (i.e. written in 2021.1.4 like myself) that had a code block just set to “JS” only, then trying to run locally in the new version will flag up a Python script error, as it oddly puts the Javascript code into the Python output generated when you run.
If this happens to anyone, the quick fix is to change the code block to “Both” (leaving the Python side blank). After you’ve saved and ran at least once, then you should be able to safely put it back to “JS” and it works fine after that.
4) Online scripts no longer look inside /resources directory
I don’t think this is an issue, and its just part of the new way v2022 manages resources. However, rather than just making sure that all your stims are put within the resources sub directory, you must now specify them via the experiment settings or via the resource management block. Doesn’t seem to look inside /resources at all now, so any old online scripts need to have the resources correctly set up from now on if you upgrade.
5) Syncing with a pre-existing online script written in an older version
I have a number of online experiments running that were built in 2021.1.4. I opened up a few of those experiments in 2022.1.3 and then made a small change and tried to sync as a test.
PsychoPy doesn’t see that it is a pre-existing project, and tries to create a new one.
Seems like if you move major versions, then you may have to re-create the project on Pavlovia - unless there is another step to work around this?
Hope this is useful, and anything that needs moving to github as a bug report, please let me know.