Windows 10; PsychoPy v 1.85.3;
What are you trying to achieve?:
I have successfully connected ioHub to eyelink in the past (in a different lab) but am trying to do this in a new lab with the same script (the eyetracking part is very similar to the Stroop Eyetracking Demo) and I see the following error:
What did you try to make it work?:
I have read this link (Iohub EyeLink fails to import pylink properly - #2 by andreagrant) which shows someone had a similar issue with Coder, and therefore the problem may be due to the incorrect pylink library downloaded from Psychopy 1.85.3? (I’m using Pyshcopy 1.85.3 because that’s what I used in the previous lab). I looked at the Pylink library at C:\Program Files (x86)\PsychoPy2\Lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\devices\eyetracker\hw\sr_research\eyelink\win32\python27
…and it did have less files than the Pylink library at C:\Program Files (x86)\SR Research\EyeLink\SampleExperiments\Python\pylink27
(the following image shows each folder side-by-side)
What happened
I moved the pylink folder from SRResearch into iohub’s pylink folder, but I still get the same error as before: Could not connect to eyetracker (see first image).
I would really appreciate any insights.