I’m working on getting an Eyelink 1000 system running through psychopy and encountered the same path problem when running a couple of the iohub demos (I don’t have one called getting_started.py). It seems to be trying to import pylink from a specific folder that doesn’t exist. The “import pylink” statement still works, but it imports the wrong pylink library (it’s importing this pylink https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyLink instead of the SRR one), so the import doesn’t fail but all the following code that is supposed to instantiate an eyelink object fails, hence all the attribute errors.
I tried making a “darwin” folder inside that eyelink folder, and then copying in the pylink library I downloaded from SR Research, but it didn’t fix the problem.
I nosed around in the rest of the packages that come with Psychopy standalone, and it comes with a pylink folder, but it’s the other pylink (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyLink), not the SRR pylink. I searched through all the psychopy code and nothing calls pylink besides iohub eyetracker, so I moved that pylink folder (/Applications/PsychoPy2.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/pylink) out of the way and copied in the one I’d downloaded from SRR and now I can get the demos/iohub/eyetracker/selectTracker/run.py to work! I’m not sure why the file-IO pylink is included in Psychopy Standalone.
I’m on a Mac running 10.8.4 using a fresh install of Psychopy Standalone 1.84.