How to link Psychopy to Qualtrics

URL of experiment: RESEARCH1 [PsychoPy]

Hello. I need to publish my experiment online, in order to do this I need a consent form and debrief. My aim is to show participants the information sheet, consent form, instructions, and ask for demographics on Qualtrics first. Then direct participants to Pavlovia where they will complete the experiment. Then participants will be redirected back to Qualtrics to see the debrief form after completing the experiment.

Has anyone got any information on how I could do this? Or if there is an easier way? Please and thanks.

Nowadays I use embedded Pavlovia Surveys instead of Qualtrics for bookending studies. It can import Qualtrics qsf files if you prefer to design your questionnaire there, though I would currently recommend using a single block with page breaks.

However, the VESPR Study Portal is also good at this and allows for a post submission debrief. If you was to use it or daisy chain from Qualtrics itself then here is a video on daisy chaining.

What is an embedded Pavlovia Survey? Would it be easy to change my current experiment to this?

Here’s the initial documentation on Pavlovia Surveys

and the survey routine

and my demo