Failure to connect to Pavlovia server

I’m trying to link survey components into a builder experiment:

I’m trying to link via the survey id which is valid:

I keep getting this error:

If I right click the survey id box my browser opens and informs me I have no surveys:

I believe this may be to do with the auto-proxy not working?

Any ideas what may be wrong? I get a broadly similar warning about not being able to connect to the internet if I go tools → PychoPy Updates

I believe this issues has been raised previously but there doesnt appear to be a fix suggested:

Many thanks

I’ve still not made any progress on this.

I have noted that if i right click in the surveys box to go to my profile something odd happens:



not only can I not access surveys under my profile but basically everything is grayed out (only experiments in the picture but its the whole row). buy if i click on “Dashboard” (which i think should effectively take me to the same place):


I get to my full profile, with my experiments, credits, shelf and surveys all available.

I am logged on both on my browser and in builder. I can push changes to my experiments and my surveys, I can pilot the study both online and locally. But when I am trying to link my builder study to the surveys something breaks.

I have manually updated to the most recent version of PsychoPy, and replicated the problem of not being able to link surveys into my builder study on a different device.

And thoughts, suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks

I’m sorry but this bug hasn’t been fixed yet.

You can get the survey ID from Pavlovia and paste it in directly.

Thanks for the response

Unless I’m misunderstanding I think thats what I was doing in my post of the 4th?

Sorry I think I’ve got it

If you paste the link identifying the survey without trying to use the find button in the survey component you can get it to work

Many thanks


I’m encountering the same issue - is your one working now?
I tried to copy the whole link or the survey ID, neither seem to work. Both pilot well separately.

I’m not a subscriber yet - does this make a difference? Could I use this function under piloting first?

Thanks a lot!

Ooops, just found out my bug - the insert of the survey into the routine works in different order comparing to insert other objects, e.g., image etc. I thought I’d inserted, but actually it hadn’t. Hope this might be useful for others.
It works well now, with copying the survey ID to the builder page. Happy day!

Hi, I have a similar issue. I have a survey linked to some experiments, rececently, participants begin as usual the questionnaire, but at complete they get stuck in the survey and they are not directed to the experiments. I have tried with former experiments and the link between surveys and pavlovia also seems been broken. Anyone knows about this bug?