hi my survey link to direct participants to my survey is not working properly. many have had issues with accessing the survey. Sometimes it works but most times this error image pops up. thank you
What does your link look like?
and i got it from the ‘Share with participants’ section! thank you
sometimes it works but other times it doesn’t a lot of times… I got told this by about 5 different participants and even for me most times it didn’t work although now it seems to be fine
I think that the most likely explanation is that for some participants they URL is getting split and they are going to https://run.pavlovia.org/pavlovia/survey
which would give that error. How are you sharing the URL?
I am just right clicking the link of the pavlovia survey and then pasting it where I am contacting my participants. At some point clicking the link wouldn’t work for the participants, then when I would copy and paste the link in the search bar the link which would work. But then again it stopped working.