Hi, i really need help. I’ve already done this experiment a lot of times but suddenly it doesn’t work anymore. Before it was stuck in a black screen, now it’s literally just not running. Idk what could have happened. This is what appear on the runner:
13.8522 WARNING t of last frame was 24.87ms (=1/40)
13.8769 WARNING t of last frame was 24.74ms (=1/40)
13.9021 WARNING t of last frame was 25.22ms (=1/39)
13.9274 WARNING t of last frame was 25.26ms (=1/39)
13.9524 WARNING Multiple dropped frames have occurred - I’ll stop bothering you about them!
0.4368 WARNING Stopping key buffers but this could be dangerous ifother keyboards rely on the same.
################# Experiment ended with exit code 0 [pid:9020] #################
Thank you so much