URL of experiment: Pavlovia
Description of the problem:
In the last days some (not all) of the participants in my study are complaining that they receive errors at the end of the experiment. Here’s the error description one of them gave me:
“Unfortunately we encountered the following error - when uploading participant’s results for experiment: valsecchimat/etpe3 Syntax Error: Unexpected token ‘<’, Try to run the experiment again. If the error persists, contact the experiment designer”
Oddly, the data of the participants were stored (notice that my setting for saving incomplete datasets is off). One participant in particular followed the instructions in the error message and restarted the experiment. The second time he/she got no error (and I can see both datasets saved), so it does not appear that the problem resides in the script itself or in the datafile name format.
I was wondering whether there might be problems with the server because I also experience pretty long delays when downloading the datasets from Pavlovia.
Thanks a lot,